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Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
Top Posts
  1. GrapheneOS: The Purpose, The Strategy, and The Why [Article]
    • @final writes an excellent, detailed article on the philosophy and motivation behind GrapheneOS.
    • 113.1k sats \ 23 comments \ @final
  2. About the Urban Farm that's Growing Bitcoin and Giving Food
  3. 🎉 Decoding Bitcoin: An interactive, exercise-heavy approach to learning Bitcoin
    • Decoding Bitcoin is a free, open-source, interactive book that teaches you Bitcoin by solving puzzles and challenges.
    • 103.7k sats \ 10k boost \ 14 comments \ @BTCillustrated
  4. How to make love to your Bitcoin node (when it's been a while)
    • @Scoresby shares a toe curling guide to help you love your Bitcoin node again.
    • 104.6k sats \ 33 comments \ @Scoresby
  5. OCEAN - DATUM Setup Guide
    • Like Stratum V2, DATUM is protocol improving the security and decentralization of Bitcoin mining pools. @BTCMiner shares a guide to mining with it.
    • 4k sats \ 9 comments \ @BTCMiner
Top AMAs
  1. Airbtc - Bitcoin only baby - LFG AMA
    • 11.8k sats \ 10k boost \ 99 comments \ @Airbtc
Upcoming AMAs
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Top meta

Top Monday meme

Top Friday fun fact

Did you know the longest math equation ever solved is the Boolean Pythagorean Triples problem.

Top Stackers
  1. @grayruby: 91.1k sats stacked
  2. @BTCillustrated: 74.9k sats stacked
  3. @Coinsreporter: 72.4k sats stacked
  4. @Undisciplined: 68.8k sats stacked
  5. @Rsync25: 56.8k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @MaxAWebster: 107.1k sats spent
  2. @PlebLab: 101k sats spent
  3. @grayruby: 54.4k sats spent
  4. @Undisciplined: 42.8k sats spent
  5. @ek: 35.2k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 393 days
  2. @Undisciplined: 375 days
  3. @OneOneSeven: 368 days
  4. @BlokchainB: 354 days
  5. @TNStacker: 350 days

Top Monthly Boosts
  1. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
  2. Fountain 1.1 - Open Social Podcasting Powered by Nostr
  3. What’s Driving Bitcoin’s Recent Price Changes?
  4. Will you help us make the alter_native dream a reality 🙏
  5. Bitkit Wallet AMA - John Carvalho, CEO of Synonym

Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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Well curated! This week's been amazing. I especially liked @plebpoet post about Farm. I'm feeling big on motivation. When I could farm on a large scale, I'll also do the same.
My first week and I already made top Meta! Awesome!!
Looks like @grayruby and @Undisciplined cracked the code. Despite being some of this weeks top spenders, they stacked more than they spent!
You have to spend money to make money.
Not in my case, I won Fun Fact in 1 Sat.
I will give 1 sat to you sir xD
Thanks Look you got 10 times more.
10x it again. this can't go wrong xD
Good work, if you can get it.
Circular bitcoin economy.
I usually try to spend as much as I stack.
@k00b, why aren't you on the Top Cowboy list?
You were pretty adamant with @Car about having earned your spot.
I filter myself out. I'd be on the top of all the lists most weeks which is lame.
That seems pretty badass to me. I'd actually enjoy it if you and @ek got un-nerfed so that we could have a fair contest.
It wouldn't be fair though. We have extra incentives.
If you believe that your rewards system incentivizes positive contributions, wouldn't those extra incentives still manifest in beneficial behavior.
I'm pretty sure that some of us will still regularly beat @ek.
@siggy47 (presumably) and I are the only ones who will really be negatively impacted by you going full force. Give us a challenge and give yourselves stronger incentives to contribute.
Hmmm I should at least un-nerf @ek. I did start earning revenue for my territories recently and that's pretty nice (although I never "paid" for them either).
Before we nerfed kr and I, we'd always be at the top.
But do you? It’s FOSS. Do you take a salary from the fees? Who is hosting the servers SN runs on?
We have VC funding so we pay ourselves with that. We have a bit of revenue from territories but we are super duper far from being profitable.
Yeehaw 🤠
Thanks for the newsletter The biggest highlight is @Scoresby that's a legendary post. All top posts are good, but he took it to another level.
This week's been so full of knowledge and fun. The post by @final and @plebpoet are my favourite (buy we have some NSFW by @Scoresby, we can read it alone)
Need to up my spending rate. This was a dismal performance by me.
Do better. Hyperbitcoinization needs you!