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Does what you eat matter to your peace, happiness, and spiritual growth? Have you felt a difference between different diets? Is there a religious text that you believe beneficial recommendations about diet?
Some examples are recommendations to not eat pork or shellfish or to fast one day of the week. Some choose a full vegetarian diet for religious reasons or even avoiding root vegetables that disturb the insects in the soil when dug. There’s usually a recommendation to not eat past the point of being full (gluttony). What feels important to you?
What we eat influences our mood and energy every moment of our lives. On a scientific level, it’s been suggested that the gut-brain pathway communicates our emotions and diet can have an impact on nervous system disorders.
I believe the cliche saying “we are what we eat” is very true. Each food contains an energy that is imparted to us when we choose to consume it. My spiritual progress feels very dependent on my current relationship with diet.
Does your diet affect your connection with a higher power?
Does your diet affect your connection with a higher power?
What's higher power than the self? The definition of spirituality also stresses on the study of self. Spirituality snd religion are two different things, however related.
The answer is yes. You eat for your self and its one of the many things that creates/affects your inner self. So, eating wisely is definitely a criterion for spirituality.
That’s a good point. Overeating definitely feels like a way of avoiding of creating a protective barrier and/or avoiding looking at oneself
not gonna check, but i bet that my pineal gland is less calcified or calcifies more slowly than a pineal gland of my peers, due to cleaner air, water, and food. clarity of thought is highly enjoyable.
Seems obvious enough. Our environment is a reflection of self.
So important. I bet it helps to keep a balanced state of mind
Both what we eat and what we make with it, that is, vegetables or foods, is something that influences both our mood and our spiritual sense. When you enjoy eating something, it comforts you and fills you with peace and joy. There are things that you may have eaten and you know that they stir up things that are not positive. Being able to nourish yourself and feel that your body is being restored is something very gratifying, of course, not reaching gluttony or gluttony as you have said.
I didn’t think of that, but the preparation and honoring the process of nourishing myself definitely matters as well. I do believe I can feel when food is made with love
I remember that my mother used to make me arepas (a typical dish from my country) for breakfast and I know that she made it and put all the love ❤️ in the world into it.
I love arepas! That sounds like a wonderful comfort food if made by your mom
I think many people are out of touch of how they feel in their body. Often people look outside themselves for the "correct" diet. When everything we need to know comes from within. Food is a journey.
What I eat definantly, affects how I feel. I used to weigh almost 300 lbs. Now that I've lost a significant amount of weight, and exercise, I am a much happier person. I have way more energy, and don't have nearly as much negativity.
I'm really happy for you.
Same here, my body gets happy with vitamins and nutrients it needs.
That’s an amazing journey. I’m so glad you can feel the difference and have a more positive life
That's quite an accomplishment. Learning to take better care of ourselves is huge.
I it doesn’t. At least, not the diet itself.
Are you saying diet is not connected to spirituality?
For me, no. Not the diet itself, but the predisposition, yes. A diet focused on weight loss doesn't necessarily impact spirituality. However, a diet adopted for spiritual reasons does have a clear spiritual connection. So, diet itself is neutral. That's my point.
Maybe we have different definitions of diet. For me, it is all we consume. And for me, our spiritual connection is connected directly to what we consume.
Do you believe there are any specific foods that can affect spiritual growth? Or it simply doesn’t matter what you eat?
Yes, due to the behaviour of some cultures in relation to their food it's true
Anything that physically affects the body, in my opinion, also has an impact on the soul.
I tend to agree with you there.
Absolutely. That’s what I believe and you said it in a much simpler way that I was able to
I believe diet might be the most important thing. Especially if we consider all that we consume as our diet. We are what we consume. I see food as a tool. If I want to be in a more high vibrational state, I tend towards fruits and vegetables, lighter foods. Not light like weight. Light, like the sun. Food closer to the sun is lighter. When we eat animals, we are eating further from the sun, closer to ourselves. Dense foods like meats, lower our vibration. I use this as a tool when I want to navigate within different crowds and situations, or vibrations. When WE experience our reality in terms of energy and vibration, everything is much more simple. There are more than 5 senses. This is what Tesla was trying to share with the world.
Make a post about Tesla! What a brilliant mind. I think that plants are more willing to offer themselves to us (especially as fruit) and thus carry a vibration of love
You say that foods transmit some kind of vibration to you? I was very curious about that, it was the first time I read that.
It all vibrates at a different frequency, and so do we. How those vibrations interact is how we feel with that food. So everyone resonates well with different types of food. For me a spiritual path is one with a higher base vibration. So more foods that raise my vibration are preferable.
1 Cor 16:18 KJV For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.
Shared using AndBible: Bible Study. (https://andbible.github.io)
what we eat defines who we are, our bodies cannot receive all kinds of food, because it influences how we direct ourselves and how we are, the concept of spirituality is so widely spread and applied to so many areas, doctrines, thoughts, philosophies, dogmas, religions and faith, but also rests on inner peace, calm, meditation and a healthy lifestyle, we cannot separate the mind from the body, both are one and as a whole must work together. ... if we eat badly, if we do not practice sports, if we have vices that damage and corrupt our system, how spiritual can we be. our mind fatigued from so much war against so many pathogens, how will it find the space for meditation and peace, prayer and love. we are a unit, a whole. mind and body united in itself, each member different.
Nice 👍...I'm really Happy for it..
Joh 6:35 KJV And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
Shared using AndBible: Bible Study. (https://andbible.github.io)
Without going into religious or belief issues, what we eat does influence our physical and mental well-being, which by extension affects for better or worse our emotional and behavioral well-being.
Such is the case that not only what we eat, but also how, when and how much we eat. Grains do not have the same benefit if they are consumed with less cooking time and whole than if we make pasta by grinding them or do not consume them at all by straining only the broth. In addition, eating the most energetic foods before 3 pm is healthier since the circadian rhythm declines after 5 pm and the metabolism is reduced.
There are foods that provide essential amino acids such as Tryptophan, which intervenes in tranquility and sleep. Milk is one of them, that is why our grandmothers were not wrong when they said "a warm glass of milk improves sleep."
Children with malnutrition have concentration and learning problems.
It is true that excesses are always bad, so there is a saying here that says "you must eat to live, not live to eat"
And finally, one that is often heard is "a full belly, a happy heart"
So what we eat, when, how and how much we eat has a lot to do with our physical, mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
That's what they say in my country too, a full belly makes a happy heart 😀.
Whose spiritual life, though? 🤔
Well, I was specifically asking about it from a human perspective. So do you feel like what you eat has an impact on your spirit or soul?
What I eat impacts my breathing, which in turn impacts my state of mind. I'm not sure about soul or spirit, though...
That’s really interesting. And probably more important to consider because we can observe it easily. I imagine a positive state of mind is needed for spiritual development
Yeah definitively. I've been doing a lot of breath work recently. The positive effects on the health and mind are undeniable. Eat less, breathe less, like a yogi... 😇
Diet is important for health. If you want to stay healthy mentally, you need to eat well.
Absolutely agree with that