I was going to write a post entitled "I would continue with the Carnivore diet just for this ONE benefit". But then thinking about it - I'll write that post tomorrow, since it would make much more sense to read that AFTER this one.
So here goes, as best as I can remember and jotted down in my notes - here's some of the most important improvements I've experienced over the past around 14 months.
Improved energy - this was huge, and the first thing I noticed. It came up at about 3 weeks, and not even 3 weeks of full carnivore, just mostly carnivore. Instead of just walking around the house, I was...bounding, zooming. Just moving with a lot more energy and zip.
Memory - I remember things better. Things like pins, phone numbers, names, etc.
Immune system - It's much improved! Before carnivore I would get nasty colds that would knock me out. This past year I had 1 minor cold, where I just kind of noticed, "Oh, I have a stuffy nose and sore throat - I must have a cold". But I experienced no decrease in energy level, or physical activity.
Sunglasses - I don't need sunglasses anymore! The sun doesn't bother my eyes. I play sports in the sun, no sunglasses, when everyone else is wearing sunglasses.
No more Hangry - The "hangry" experience doesn't happen anymore. If I miss a meal, it's not an emotional thing, that I get stressed about. I just get hungry. It's much easier to skip a meal, if need be.
Gas - Zero gas. That's unless I have heavy whipping cream, which I sometimes do, that gives me gas.
Less mental fog - I think more clearly. Just like how in the physical realm, I have more energy - I also have more energy in the mental realm.
Better balance. I didn't feel unsteady before, but I think there were little age-related balance issues. Now gone.
Posture - It feels much more natural to stand completely straight and not slouch
Insomnia - it's now absolutely gone. I wasn't very much troubled by it before, but maybe every week or 2 I'd have an episode where I would wake up at night and not be able to go to sleep again for 2, 3 hours. That's completely gone.
Air hunger - I previously had a growing problem with something called "air hunger" or dyspnea. Just the feeling of not being able to get a full, complete breath. I had done some research on it, it was probably some aging/metabolic issue. That's completely gone now.
Hair - my hair is growing in thicker
"Carnivore calm" - I've heard this term on podcasts, and it really applies to me. I just don't get that riled up about things. Problems happen, sure, and they bother me, but in general I deal with them better. My anxiety level is way down.
Strange things - Just oddball things. For instance, I had noticed that my typing speed had, very, very slowly, degraded over the years. Just a consequence of aging, I thought. But now it's much faster again, maybe to as fast as I was a couple decades ago. Something similar is - emptying the dishwasher. I'm weirdly fast and efficient at sorting out big piles of cutlery, and getting the whole thing done in under a few minutes.
Zero social anxiety - I wasn't terrible before carnivore. But I have even less social anxiety now. For instance, I was just at a conference, and sitting next to some people I'd barely met. They were making lunch plans, and I had already had lunch. But I wanted to talk to them some more, and asked if I could join them. It turned out great, I had great conversations and got to know them better. I really don't think I would have done that before carnivore.
Aches and pains - Weird little aches and pains have disappeared. I'm not completely free of aches and pains, but they're definitely diminished
More agile - I'm better at sports. I play pickleball regularly, and a few months into it, people were commenting on my improvements.
Here's some of my older posts on Carnivore in "newest first" order, just for completeness:
Carnivore diet - looks like it fixed this nighttime disorder for me
Carnivore diet - believe it or not, it healed this oddball disorder for me
Can a keto/carnivore diet heal issues like depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar?
Latest steps in my carnivore path - and why you should consider a carnivore diet
Carnivore achievements unlocked
Taking a temporary break from mostly-carnivore diet during holidays
Sugar and Alzheimers
Kinda-carnivore diet is leading to WAY more energy
Question for carnivores/carnivore-curious folks
I'm transitioning ... to a more MEAT centric diet
This book is blowing my mind - The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz