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Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
Top Posts
  1. How to run an economic node
    • @Scoresby teaches stackers about one of the most important and least understood concepts in bitcoin.
    • 24.9k sats \ 48 comments \ @Scoresby
  2. Cars vs. Bikes - Both Sides Are Wrong
    • @kr wonders why we are using cars and bikes instead of golf carts.
    • 3.3k sats \ 33 comments \ @kr
  3. Deep Dive into Satoshi Nakamoto’s Name
    • @cryotosensei uses their japanese language skills to enumerate the possible meanings of Satoshi Nakamoto's pseudonym.
    • 16.9k sats \ 18 comments \ @cryotosensei
  4. Trip Report: Lugano, Switzerland. A GREAT place to Use and Spend Bitcoin
    • @028559d218 reports on using non-custodial lightning as a medium of exchange in Lugano, Switzerland.
    • 4.3k sats \ 36 comments \ @028559d218
  5. What Should I Do With WhatIsBitcoin.com?
    • @Jon_Hodl gives the history of their WhatIsBitcoin.com domain, and asks stackers for suggestions on what to do with it.
    • 4k sats \ 36 comments \ @Jon_Hodl
Top AMAs
  1. pretyflaco aka Kemal of Blink & Adopting Bitcoin here - AMA!
  2. Svetski AMA --> Bushido / Satlantis / Whatever else you want to know
Don't miss

Top meta

Top Monday meme
Newletter guy fun fact: the art used in the earbleed meme is by Joan Cornella.

Top Friday fun fact
Common Sense by Thomas Paine was published 249 years ago today!

Top Stackers
  1. @grayruby: 125.8k sats stacked
  2. @Undisciplined: 97.1k sats stacked
  3. @SimpleStacker: 51.2k sats stacked
  4. @ek: 41k sats stacked
  5. @denlillaapan: 37.4k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @Undisciplined: 519.2k sats spent
  2. @roulette: 316.8k sats spent
  3. @grayruby: 95.9k sats spent
  4. @nout: 82.5k sats spent
  5. @Bell_curve: 77.8k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @Undisciplined: 473 days
  2. @OneOneSeven: 466 days
  3. @BlokchainB: 452 days
  4. @TNStacker: 448 days
  5. @grayruby: 416 days

Top Boosts
  1. LN Roulette – A Lightning-Powered, Provably Fair Roulette Game
  2. Jan 3rd Mining Block Party ~ Place your bid and mine with me
  3. Paul Sztorc on Activating Drivechains via CUSF (Bitcoin Takeover S15 E68)
  4. Get ⚡11,000 free sats⚡-- Help us test our "disposable" ☁️ cloud lightning nodes
  5. Re: Re: Bluesky and Decentralization
  6. Introducing our Provably Fair Roulette—transparent, secure, verifiable
  7. Why Does Money Fail?
  8. Bitcoin in New Zealand in 2024- A review of the year
  9. Bitcoin Developer Report '24 - "established" devs have grown but not active devs
  10. 🔥 🔥 Over 1 BTC irrevocably burned on the Spaces Protocol 🔥 🔥

Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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Wow! This is the first time I made it to the Top Posts.
Also the first time I post a comment here, ahead of the wisecracking banter between @grayruby n @Undisciplined haha
Winner winner.
Sats for all 😏
I don't want to be that guy but this is @Undisciplined's spending number from last week which was also reported in the last Newsletter.
He was in fact a real cheapskate this week.
I sure hope you're right, because I don't remember going on a half-mil bender this week.
Yes, it includes both fridays. I modified it out of fear of missing good stories from the previous friday.
Is it the same word they were laughing about for the hiding stackers? I really wanna know was that Yala or YOLO?
Sorry, I'm not good at slangs.
No, they were calling them "Yella'", which is western slang pronunciation of "Yellow", which is short for "yellow bellied", which is slang for being a coward.
Wow! Thanks.
How dare he, yeah I mean it. Who let us hide? Now I'm gonna call him names. Hindi too has a lot of good slangs. At least I'll be warming him so he doesn't laugh like I did. But first I'm gonna unhide.
YOLO is you only live once. It is something the kids say. I am cool and hip so I know all about it.
Thanks. I really didn't get it. I enjoyed when they said the "Yella", but knowing this means a "Coward", I'm feeling like dumb. But I know it's their language, I understand 99.9%, what though I start sledging in Hindi, they won't understand 99.9%. ..
none of the top posts or comments had nothing to do with the fires in Los Angeles
I will remember and not forget and not forgive, solipsistic SN users